Global Payments means Global Payments Australia 1 Pty Ltd and all related bodies corporate in Australia and New Zealand including Ezidebit Pty Ltd, Web Active Corporation Pty Ltd trading as eWay, Sentral Pty Ltd, Storman Software Pty Ltd and Our Online Canteen Pty Ltd trading as QuickCliq.

Integrity is a core value of the Global Payments and we are committed to a business culture that encourages openness, fairness and accountability. Sometimes individuals may be concerned that speaking up about misconduct could lead to their identification, or that they will face adverse financial or personal repercussions for speaking up.

We want people to feel safe and have put in place a comprehensive Whistleblower Policy to encourage our employees and external parties to ‘call out’ any observed misconduct or mismanagement and to communicate with us promptly, knowing that it is safe to do so.  It covers all reportable conduct, including any action which:

  • is corrupt, fraudulent or otherwise illegal;
  • is a breach of any Global Payments policy or Code of Conduct;
  • involves a substantial mismanagement of company resources;
  • involves substantial risk to health and safety;
  • involves substantial risk to Global Payments’ reputation; or
  • involves coercion, manipulation, threat or inducements offered to compel someone affiliated with Global Payments to perform any of the acts listed above.

How to report misconduct?

Global Payments provides various avenues to allow those who want to raise concerns to do so with appropriate support and protection.

There are a number of ways that our employees and other parties can report any concern about misconduct.

  • Staff can reach out to any member of the Senior Leadership team or the Global Payments Compliance Manager; or
  • Send an email to marked to the attention of the Whistleblower Protection Officer; or
  • To make an anonymous report, in the countries where allowed, or to report non-anonymously 24/7, our internet-based reporting system called EthicsPoint© may be used by accessing the Global Payments intranet website or to